Monday, December 19, 2011

Plato Pizza Party

Thursday, December 15th was an exciting day for students in grades 3-5 attending the Plato Pizza Party.  This event was a reward for students doing well on their Plato benchmark tests.  Students who showed a 10% growth or remained proficient or advanced were eligible to attend.  Over 60 students enjoyed pizza and root beer the last half hour of the day.  We'll do this again in February, so encourage your students to work hard and learn lots between now and then.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Parent Involvement Policy Feedback request

Parents - We want your input for the elementary school! 

Shoshone Elementary School is seeking input into our parent involvement policy.  An open comment meeting will be held in the library on Tuesday, December 13 from 4:00 – 5:30.  Parents are invited to stop by at any point within the time frame to give comment on the policy.  If parents are unable to make the meeting, feedback can also be given through the following email:  until Wednesday December 21st

You can read the draft parent involvement policy below:

The staff of Shoshone Elementary believes one dynamic of effective schooling is parental involvement.  In order to encourage parental involvement, the staff at the school will assist in the following ways:

District Responsibilities
Develop sound educational policies
Implement research-based programs
Establish an effective evaluation process for those programs

Teacher Goals and Responsibilities                                                                         

Establish clear, concise expected learning results
Monitor results
Provide high quality instruction and resources
Provide timely information to parents and students

Distribution Information

The Parent Involvement Policy for Shoshone Elementary will be posted in the school, as well as on the school web site.  A copy of this policy will be included in the student handbook in both Spanish and English. Information related to school events and parent meetings will be communicated in both English and Spanish to parents through invitations sent home with students. Classroom teachers will provide achievement test information during conferences and parent meetings.  Printed information will be sent home. The compact outlines how teachers, students, and parents will share in the responsibility for improved student achievement.  This compact will be discussed with students and sent home for your review and signature.

Parent Participation
Parents will receive information and have opportunities to participate in activities planned throughout the school year.  Opportunities will be provided for parent input regarding the education of their children through surveys and parent-teacher conferences. The school will provide opportunities for conferences, as requested by parents, to discuss suggestions and make decisions regarding the education of their children. Within established guidelines, parents are encouraged to observe instruction and other school activities that involve his/her child. Parents are encouraged to volunteer at school and/or participate in the Parent Teacher Organization Committee.

Parents will be informed at the annual Title 1 meeting about the school’s participation in the Title 1 program, the requirements of the program, and their right to be involved. Parent meetings and conferences will be held at various times to meet the needs of families.
The school and family working together is an essential dynamic that can help students achieve the expected learning results of the school.  We believe parental involvement has the greatest influence when the school personnel, students, and parents share responsibility for the growth and development of each student.